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There are lots of adjectives that come to mind in describing 2020, but the one that stands out among the many is resilience. There’s a certain joy in looking back at a topsy-turvy year and knowing we triumphed amidst the unpredictability, holding tight to our core values to come through the year together, if actually apart.


We’re not the types to focus on what was lost; instead we mark the year’s end celebrating the good of 2020 — being thankful for the trust our clients put in us, the opportunities to grow and to help our clients’ businesses grow, and for the shared experiences in this year like no other.


We are reinvigorated to be partnered with clients who share a vested interest in our community on a local, national and international level. One such cause — Xylem and The Chris Long Foundation’s Waterboys initiative — is working to bring safe water access and improved quality of life to over 1 million people in rural communities worldwide. In its inaugural year, the Hometown H2O project has helped families from Virginia to Oregon to Texas — and there’s more good work in store for 2021. Learn more about Hometown H2O here.


We are likewise grateful to help raise awareness of Northwestern Mutual Foundation’s Childhood Cancer Survivor and Sibling Scholarship Program, which makes possible the hope of attending college for family members of childhood cancer survivors. This year, the program awarded 43 recipients with the opportunity to pursue their educational dreams — its largest cohort to date.


On the internal Branigan side of things, 2020 was a year of change, with many blessings.


We added several new faces to the Branigan team, each of whom has made an immediate impact in their respective roles — Sandra Peterson, director of crisis communication and reputation; Lucy Raasch, graphic and digital designer; and Rachel Schmidt, assistant account executive. Welcome all!


We want to thank all of our interns who supported our team throughout the year — Katie Branigan, Allie Brotz, Mary Hanna and Brianna Jaeger. The future of communications is bright with each of you joining the ranks!

After 15 years of growth, Branigan Communications embarked on an internal rebranding initiative. In September, we officially became Branigan, and launched a new identity and website. We took ourselves through the same process we use with clients, and gained some valuable insights along the way.

While the upcoming New Year’s celebrations may be defined by the virtual clink of glasses, we celebrate the resilience that has enabled us to reach past the screens separating us and connect as not only colleagues and clients, but as family and friends of the same community.


Here’s to a new year and new beginnings.


2020: A Year Under Review — Whew!

2020 client success-graphic-11-11.jpg

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