Strong partnership

[Trade Show & Hospitality Events]
Global water technology company Xylem Inc. participates in numerous high-profile industry trade shows throughout the year. In order to distinguish Xylem brands from other companies and competitors at these large-scale industry events, reinforce its market leadership and stay within budgets and timelines, Branigan has worked closely as an extension of their marketing teams.
For AHR, the largest annual HVAC industry show in the country and the largest event of the year for Xylem’s Bell & Gossett brand, we have been involved in different capacities over the years. We have managed the production vendor, designed booth graphics and oversaw all on-site activation and logistics. At the same time, our team also managed in-booth communications (including SME booth interviews and real-time social media content curation and management) and strategically designed the AHR hospitality customer/prospect events for sometimes up to 750 attendees.

Companies like to work with Branigan for many reasons, but for live events, it’s the confidence clients like Xylem have in Branigan to creatively concept and execute at a high level no matter what unexpected happenings occur.